Monday, August 26, 2019

Short critical refelction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Short critical refelction paper - Essay Example I know many teenagers who can download movies, post to Facebook, find a YouTube video and more, but the minute they need to learn something there is a lack of knowledge. Am I wrong here? What would the author of the textbook say? Explain. Without a doubt, with every new interface and technology innovation comes a lack of knowledge even amongst teens. However, teens are more likely to take interest in these things and investigate these matters even more. Hence, teenagers become experts at the technological sphere. Most teenagers learn something through other friend and through trial and error. In addition, most teenagers lack the ideals of coding, C++ and other key computer languages that make social networking susceptible. Some teenagers even feel threatened with the new technology and are reluctant to adapt it. The younger generation is not tech savvy as expected as they will miss out on some key pieces of essential information that comes with new technology. The author of the textbook agrees with all the principles and insists that there is a culture difference and not an age factor. The advent of the 21st century has no doubt made improvements in technology. However, crimes have also become more sophisticated as well. Gaining access to information has become drastically happy. Personal information can be easily fallen in the wrong hands which can be detrimental to individuals. The major types of cybercrime can be fraud and identity theft. Identity theft occurs to 9.91 million Americans whose losses accumulated to a hefty $52.6 billion. In order to prevent identity theft, it is critical that one does not provide personal information to unreliable sources. Furthermore, a user must be aware of phishing and other suspicious email that asks individuals of personal information. Lastly, there are many scams that are also available in popular sites such as craigslist and careerbuilder. Most of these scams do not give their name or a telephone number.

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