Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mis-wanting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mis-wanting - Assignment Example The market for weight loss programs, skinny diets and slimming pills is so huge that you can easily purchase anything that can help you lose those extra pounds at almost everywhere. Because of this brainwashing, most women are convinced that they will be completely happy if they will look like those model-like figures on TV and would even venture with non-healthy regimens to attain this. However, most of the people I know who underwent the same dilemma during their teens soon realized that they can still be happy even if they are fat. Some were even unsatisfied with their lives after reaching their target weight. According to Gilbert & Wilson, â€Å"We may misconstrue events, misunderstand ourselves misinterpret our feelings – and any of these mistakes can be a cause of miswanting.† (p. 194). And so we must take into consideration that true happiness and satisfaction can be achieved by simply having the things that will holistically improve our sense of self-worth and c ontentment. What we want to become in the future might not necessarily bring us bliss thus we should be grateful of whatever fate gives us and try to find light in every

Monday, October 28, 2019

Transition to adulthood Essay Example for Free

Transition to adulthood Essay This article was full of information in the transition to adulthood. It begins with a history of becoming an adult. This article takes you through comparisons of the statistics from the past to now. This article gives you an idea on the difference between race and ethnic backgrounds. It also provides support for its findings. What I found interesting in this article is that back in the day, which young people viewed adulthood as a requirement at an early age. Nowadays young people are taking a lot longer to transition to adulthood, they are completing college and finding careers, I think is a great thing. Children need to focus on their education and the opposite sex. I think it is important for young men and women to have a plan of action about where their life is headed. I think today we are more thinkers then doers, I think we are looking into the long-term affect more now. This also gave me statics on when the kids become independent, the past versus present, male, female, and race. I choose this article because I have a step son in the military; this article gave me ideas on how fast they are required to step into adulthood. It was interesting to discover the difference between the age groups, races and what programs they are involved in. If I had to write a research paper this would be the article I would use. This is an interesting topic that I think I could take further. After reviewing this article I feel this is a creditable source, it has supporting facts and documentation to back up its findings, reads well the flow is right. This was definitely a very informative piece of work and you can tell the author spent their time and effort on this as well.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mental Endurance in Endurance Shackletons Incredible Voyage Essay

Mental Endurance in Alfred Lansing's Endurance Shackleton's Incredible Voyage In Endurance Shackleton's Incredible Voyage, Alfred Lansing recounts the tale of one of the greatest successes of the Twentieth Century. Ironically, Lansing's detailed account of the 1915 Trans-Antarctic Expedition illuminates the stark reality that Sir Ernest Shackleton's expedition did not fulfill its goal. In fact, the expedition never even set foot upon the continent that they had intended to cross. The outstanding success of that motley crew of adventurers was in their ability to endure the harsh Antarctic climate. Despite having their ship crushed by an ice cap, spending the dark Antarctic winter hopelessly alone, suffering through a stormy voyage in an open dingy, and stumbling blindly across an uncharted island, Shackleton and his men persisted in their quest to survive. Truly, Shackleton set an outstanding example of never giving up. Although it may first appear that Shackleton's greatest perseverance resided in his stamina to endure the harsh marching and sailing that it took to lead his men back to safety, this physical strength was only a small part of the real endurance. No, it was not even in dealing with the chaffing absence of any substitute for toilet paper that Shackleton manifested his endurance, but it was prevalent in his underlying attitude. Endurance is more than just taking the next grueling step; it is maintaining a belief that all efforts3/4 whether they are physical or mental3/4 can improve the future. This incessantly positive attitude is the very foundation of stamina because when there is a will, a sense of self-worth, or a shard of hope, the body and mind will find a way. In addition, a positive attitude will unit... ...A life filled with love for humans who are equal simply because they are human yields a fulfilling life despite the difficulty of it. Through believing that we can clear the next hurdle, humans can live together in a supportive community rather than a destructive band. There is no need to say that one person, one race, one nation is better than any other one because power mongers and hedonists rarely succeed in life. Through believing that the goal is accomplishable, humans can always take the next step towards this improved world. It is bizarre how a story about a crew in such a peculiar situation could be a blue print for the way to succeed in life in general. For the daunting goals as well as the insignificant ones, endurance of the mind is the key. Works Cited: Lansing, Alfred. Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage.Carroll and Graf: New York, 1986.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Final Reflection Essay

During week one, my initial definition of learning was listening to an instruction, studying and then rehearsing that information in my mind, or categorizing it in a way so I could remember most of what was taught in the course. The class has opened a new dimension for me in the learning process; from understanding how I process information to deciphering which learning processes I use in intentional learning or metacognition. Understanding my learning patterns form dynamic learning relationship is a key element to my view of how and why I process the learning experience, even relating it to every day life. Since discovering my learning patterns by administering the Learning Connections Inventory or LCI assessment, I have discovered my aptitude for using Sequence (20), Precision (23), Technical Reasoning (35) and Confluence (29) learning patterns. My â€Å"use first† patterns of Technical Reasoning and Confluence are now self-evident and shed light on why my career took the path it did, leading me to this point in life. Confronting each task as a Dynamic Learner, I subconsciously used my Technical Reasoning and Confluence learning patterns first and as needed used my Precision and Sequential learning patterns. Throughout my career in the Navy, Technical Reasoning was pronounced which led me to choosing a mechanical trade; then in the construction industry, using my hands as a carpenter to renew or erect buildings. Sequential and Precision patterns were used on an as needed basis when specific tasks required a structured approach like developing designs or repairing equipment. Throughout this course, different quizzes took Sequential learning to complete. I found it difficult to only use this pattern and my strong Technical Reasoning pattern was evident by my moving from question to question if I did not immediately know the answer; then going back to answer the questions I skipped using Precision learning pattern. Reading assignments were a struggle as well; I was accustomed to using Technical Reasoning, briefly reading through the chapter to pick out phrases I knew were important. The critical reading process drew me back to basics by redirecting my use of Sequence and Precision learning patterns to become the predominant patterns used. Sequence learning pattern was needed in the  completion of discussions; I needed to focus, not only on discussions but completing all my work and submitting it on time. Having high technical reasoning and confluence learning patterns are what shaped decisions and tendencies in this class; procrastinating and being late with assignments started early in the course. Learning how to â€Å"FIT† my patterns together is a new concept which was difficult to introduce not only in my college course but in my daily life as well. Forging, Intensifying or Tethering my learning patterns are a continual activity and now that I have begun to understand how to decode a task, it will enable me to recognize the learning patterns to use, strengthen and reduce. This course was extremely interesting to me; discovering the four different learning patterns, how they influence college coursework and my career path. I appreciated looking at the inter-working of how I learn and what I can do to enhance my learning capabilities. As the weeks went by, the on-line experience with Ashford University became easier to schedule; I used sequential and precision learning patterns to regulate my time, turning in assignments when they were due. In the past, on-line learning was tedious and difficult to manage. Ashford’s approach with an introductory course in personal learning is eye opening; understanding how and why I learn will carry over into future courses. The overall online college experience will be what I make of it. Interacting with instructors and peers is an aspect in my control. Challenging classes will be met with a different attitude and perspective, knowing the how’s and why’s of my learning patterns is key to being successful.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Functionalism: Sociology and Social Order

The functionalist model of how society works has many limitations and few strengths. ’’ Explain and also asses this view. By Sadhana sanba In the study of sociology, functionalist perspective is a view of society that focuses on the way various parts of society have functions and live in a ‘consensus’ that maintain the stability and social order of the whole. Functionalist model of how society works tends to focus to be an organized, stable, well integrated system , in which most members agree on basic values which is as called’ ‘value consensus’.However, functionalist theory alongside the other school of theories such as marrxism (conflict theory) and interactionism is criticized for having many limitsaitons of explaining thew social phenomenon of its working. Herbert spencer an early functionalist and later emile Durkheim compares the working of society to the organic analogy and the way a biological organisms works. Any organisms has a structure- that is , a set of inter-related components, such as head, limbs, a heart lungs and so on.Each of these parts has functions – that is a positive and need consequence for the whole system. In th3ee same way, spencer argued , a society has structure. Its inter-related parts are family, religion, values and norms, social elements and so on. Ideally,hence, each of these componenets also has a function that contributes to the overall stability of social system. However, the analogy has many . limmits. it is difficult for example to compare the way organisms grow to the way society grows and change. Is therea social equivalent to the DNA the genetic program present in every species?Does a society really have a series of complementary institution together to make the whole function smoothly to the mutual benefit of all? Although, Modern-structural-functionalism does not press the analogy between a society and an organism and has subsequently been much refined and modifi ed, however, the functionalist view of how society works still has few strength only Talcott Parson(1951) argues that any society has four functional needs or pre-requisites that need to be met for it to survive: these are adaptation ,goal attainment, integration and latency (AGIL).However , his model of society’s working has been havily criticized for being bland abd fruitless by the way arsons went about examining society. Parsons also tried to show how consensus based on shared values is essential to social order. He also concluded that the stratified system is crucial in mainting consensus in society which, in the other way, conflict theory of karl marx describes as ‘inequality’.Parsons and Durkheim evidently saw social inequality ‘stratification’ as a necessary and universal feature of society and that inequality could be mitigated by the prevalence of social mobility completely disregarding the fact that social inquality in a society is a key s ource of social conflict and dominancy. Also, the functional view of assuming the existence of a meritocratic society i. e, a society where everyone has a equal chance og achieving high social status and reward is not contextual.This kind of role and effects only works if many other features of society are ignored and even distorted.. here, Melvin Tumin (1953) argues that how and why are some social position assumed to be functionally more important than others ? Who decided and how ? The concept of ‘functional satisfication is value laden and deciding which postions are functionally more important than others cannot be done objectively for example the payment that the top football stars in the Uk and the earnings of the prime minister in the same country. The players ears six times mored than the political figure .Hence, society always cannot be induced by the material rewards and functional theory maybe dysfunctional and damaging it may generate conflict and antagonism betwe en social strata rather than furthering social integration to which Weberain view explains the dynamics of stratification in modern society with existence of conflicts between owners and workers creating white collar and blue collar workers. Functional view of creating social order an important model of society ,has been criticized for its limitation on the fact that it serves only the selfish ambitions of the rich and powerful.As Durkhein believes t hat society is in its essence its moral codes . The rules and order, the degree competitiveness between people and governmental conducts help to cement and build social order he called them the mechanical and organic principles of solidarity . The description of ‘mechanical solidarity and ‘organic solidarity’ provides insides about the basic way of forming social order in society which in face Max Weber argues is more applicable and impliable only in the industrial complex societies and is criticized by Marx for disre garding the poor , economically weak and ‘proletariat’ as in his words, society.Hence, the phenomenon of ‘collective conscience’ and ‘value consensus’ the functionalist theory implies in one way or other inherently conservative that is focused only on a particular social theme. It does not consider that order and conflict exist side by side and as Marx says is achieved through the domination by the few over the many, and that domination is possible because it reflects the economic circumstances of the groups which is constantly unstable as it is based on equality and continuing conflict of interest between those who own the means of production and who don’t.In the same way interactionist view of how society works emphasizes that members of societies are not just constrained in their everyday lives by moral codes or by economic relationships but that each individual are actors in each situation they negotiate or confront to which is also simplifiedly said ‘situational interaction’ Hence, functionlist perspective is limited with logical problem it embraces,if something in society is recurrent, functionlist say that it must be meeting a need.Functionalism lacks any real power to explain social change or changes. It leans heavily towards describing society in a stable condition and seems to emphasizes the status- quo: the media reflect all views, women are domestically oriented, marriages are happy, all individualist are ladened by values and norms that they internalize confining into it to create social order and so on.Functionalist risk the temptation of dismissing disruptive changes as dysfunctional, even if those changes are necessary, inevitable and beneficial in the long run However functionalist theory perspective is useful in explaining the functions or consequences, that a given element has in society which contribute the stability of the social system as a whole and hence, therefore, insights hum an beings of their existence and role in a society. Posted byingsamaat9:06 AM 1 comment: 1. BuzzerOctober 9, 2011 9:31 AM It really helped me a lot. ReplyDelete Add comment

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The fastest growing jobs and industries through 2023

The fastest growing jobs and industries through 2023 Even in a good economy, with significant job growth and high employment, there are shifts that favor some industries over others. According to a recent Careerbuilder study, this means good news and bad news for the U.S. job scene between now and 2023. First, the bad news: middle-wage jobs (like customer service representatives, maintenance workers, construction workers, or truck drivers, for some examples) are not expected to keep pace with high-wage jobs (like nurses, accountants, and IT specialists) and low-wage jobs (like home health aides, retail sales, and receptionists), which are both poised for serious growth. The study identified 121 jobs that will decline in growth between 2018 and 2023, and 75 of those jobs were considered middle-wage.But now the good news: these high- and low-wage fields are about to experience significant growth, meaning millions of job openings- approximately 8 million by 2023. Let’s look at some of the industries in the study, divided by high-, mid-, and low-wage job types.Fastest growing jobs   Fast-Growing Occupations By Wage Category Jobs Added, 2018-2023 % Change, 2018-2023 Median Hourly Pay High-Wage Registered Nurses 255,047 8.39% $33.55 Software Developers, Applications 143,466 15.57% $48.49 Postsecondary Teachers 110,955 7.25% $33.53 Accountants and Auditors 86,079 6.02% $32.33 Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists 83,187 12.60% $30.21 Computer User Support Specialists 54,044 7.48% $24.16 Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters 43,625 8.58% $23.72 Middle-Wage Customer Service Representatives 120,673 4.21% $15.88 Medical Assistants 102,274 14.51% $15.62 Construction Laborers 92,182 6.56% $14.73 Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 83,931 5.41% $18.08 Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses 55,345 7.34% $21.56 Light Truck or Delivery Service Drivers 48,837 5.12% $15.04 Billing and Posting Clerks 44,283 8.59% $17.85 Low-Wage Home Health Aides 207,732 22.42% $11.17 Waiters and Waitresses 146 ,281 5.49% $10.01 Retail Salespersons 108,229 2.37% $11.29 Cooks, Restaurant 100,664 7.46% $12.06 Nursing Assistants 96,384 6.33% $13.23 Security Guards 61,964 5.12% $12.97 Receptionists and Information Clerks 69,461 6.29% $13.70Trends in hiring over the next 5 yearsIf you’re in a field that’s expected to decline, this news can be dismaying for your career outlook. However, it’s also a great time to take stock of your career goals and your near future, and decide whether you’re able to adapt your skills to be more industry-flexible, or whether you’d like to change careers altogether to maximize your job potential.HealthcareHealthcare is one of the fields that is exploding now, and is likely to continue growing at a very fast pace for the foreseeable future.The healthcare field is popular because with a growing population (especially one that skews older and more in need of medical care), the need will continue to grow. But healthcare is also one of the most innovative fields, with digital equipment and recordkeeping requiring ever more tech-literate employees.TechnologyAs everything becomes more technology-focused, more and more companies will need dedicated tech teams and services to provide the digital infrastructure necessary to do business. People with IT expertise and skills will find themselves in demand in many different fields and companies. Having a flexible skill set that’s technologically advanced can help guarantee a spot in the digital jobs boom over the next several years.Data AnalysisEverything comes down to data these days, from marketing and customer service to accounting and financial data. This is also an area where a strong set of analytical and problem-solving skills can be applied across different industries, in different roles.Basically, the professional future is flexibility- if you’re willing to develop future-facing skills to go along with your education and experience base.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Question of Silence essays

Question of Silence essays Over the weekend I was able to see the movie Question of Silence, directed by Marleen Gorris. Question of Silence, was directed without flaws. Maleen Gorris made great use of angles in the film. Essentially this movie was about women, power, and societies view on women, and Gorris portrayed and emphasized her points with angles. For instance, their was an opening scene in the movie where one of the leading actresses was working as a secretary with her boss, and Gorris used a low angle shot of the boss to portray power. Then when she would cut to the women secretary she would use a high angle to portray a sense of looking down. However, as the plot developed and the story unfolded Gorris changed her angles to match the story. For an example, as the women were committing the crime she used low angle to match the power that they were coming into, and matched it with a high angle on the man to show weakness. Another thing that Gorris did effectively was incorporating music with t he film. In many instances she would use music to exemplify the tension and suspense of the movie. During the crime she effectively used tone and tempo. As the crime was beginning the tone and tempo was low and slow respectively, but as the crime escalated she used a loud tone and fast tempo. It brilliantly added so much to the most dramatic scene in the movie. Marleen Gorris directed this movie very well, and from a directional enjoyment I definitely recommend everyone to go to this movie. Symbolism played another key role in this movie. I personally believe that Gorris used symbolism to tell a story behind the story. For instance, she opened the movie with a scene between the women psychiatrist and her husband, where she was seducing the man. I believe this was a very powerful and effective way to open this movie. Gorris was able to set the stage for the rest of the movie, she was showing the moviegoers how society por...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Francis Bacon and the Essay Of Revenge

Francis Bacon and the Essay Of Revenge The first major English essayist, Francis Bacon  (1561-1626) published three versions of his Essayes or Counsels (1597, 1612 and 1625), and the third edition has endured as the most popular of his many writings. The Essayes, observes Robert K. Faulkner, appeals not so much to self-expression as to self-interest, and does so by supplying enlightened ways to satisfy ones interest. (Encyclopedia of the Essay, 1997) A notable jurist who served as both attorney general and Lord Chancellor of England, Bacon argues in his essay Of Revenge (1625) that the wild justice of personal revenge is a fundamental challenge to the rule of law. Of Revenge by Francis Bacon Revenge is a kind of wild justice; which the more mans nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out. For as for the first wrong, it doth but offend the law; but the revenge of that wrong putteth the law out of office. Certainly, in taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior; for it is a princes part to pardon. And Solomon, I am sure, saith, It is the glory of a man to pass by an offence. That which is past is gone, and irrevocable; and wise men have enough to do with things present and to come; therefore they do but trifle with themselves, that labor in past matters. There is no man doth a wrong for the wrongs sake; but thereby to purchase himself profit, or pleasure, or honor, or the like. Therefore why should I be angry with a man for loving himself better than me? And if any man should do wrong merely out of ill-nature, why, yet it is but like the thorn or briar, which prick and scratch, because they can do no other. The most tole rable sort of revenge is for those wrongs which there is no law to remedy; but then let a man take heed the revenge be such as there is no law to punish; else a mans enemy is still before hand, and it is two for one. Some, when they take revenge, are desirous the party should know whence it cometh. This is the more generous. For the delight seemeth to be not so much in doing the hurt as in making the party repent. But base and crafty cowards are like the arrow that flieth in the dark. Cosmus, duke of Florence, had a desperate saying against perfidious or neglecting friends, as if those wrongs were unpardonable; You shall read (saith he) that we are commanded to forgive our enemies; but you never read that we are commanded to forgive our friends. But yet the spirit of Job was in a better tune: Shall we (saith he) take good at Gods hands, and not be content to take evil also? And so of friends in a proportion. This is certain, that a man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well. Public revenges are for the most part fortunate; as that for the death of Caesar; for the death of Pertinax; for the death of Henry the Third of France; and many more. But in private revenges it is not so. Nay rather, vindictive persons live the life of witches; who, as they are mischievous, so end they infortunate.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

EU Law Case Studies Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

EU Law Studies - Case Study Example Astrid, Klaus's wife, had every right to apply for a job as an estate agent. The fact that Astrid was discriminated against because she did not pass a Spanish language test in Spain-although she had completed and passed a similar test in Germany-is illegal because member EU states must treat other EU member citizens equally.4 The fact that Klaus did not receive the same company pension entitlement as Spanish nationals who also worked as his company is a blatant form of discrimination against Klaus as a German national living in Spain, again because EU members are supposed to receive the same social benefits of domestic members.5 Another social benefit6 Klaus should have received based on the fact that he is an EU members was his five extra holidays, just as his Spanish national counterparts.7 Similarly, in Astrid's case, she was discriminated against by not being able to receive the same social advantage8 of receiving free banking as her Spanish national counterparts who worked at the bank as well. Sophie was discriminated against on the basis of nationality9 due to the fact that, at college, only students in her course who had lived in Spain for at least ten years could claim a special financial payment to cover the enrollment fee. This is because Sophie had only been in Spain for a few months. Still, however, this was a discriminatory practice. Additionally, since Heinrich wanted to apply for a student maintenance grant but was told that it was only available to Spanish nationals, this is another form of discrimination based on nationality.10 Klaus and Heinrich, respectively-had prior convictions in Germany for handling stolen motor vehicles and dealing illegal drugs-can argue that they were trying to start a new life in Spain but were discriminated against in their pursuits of operating legally in the country of Spain. Klaus could not receive social security benefits or the same company pension as the other workers at his job who were Spanish nationals. Heinrich needed a grant to go to school. Based on these exclusion from receiving the proper compensation and remuneration, which is a legal right of EU member citizens,11 it could be argued in court that Klaus reverted to an illegal venture in order to make ends meet. Similarly, the same argument could be made of Astrid-that she was forced into a bank job by virtue of discrimination12 as a German national and was forced to resort to illegal methods to help ensure her family's well-being in Spain. Freedom of establishment13 in another member EU country is a right guaranteed to individuals who are EU citizens. In court, it could be argued that Klaus and Astrid were denied this basic right.14 Regarding Heinrich, it could be argued in court that-because he was not allowed to get a grant based on discrimination due to him being a German national15 while residing in Spain-Heinrich turned to dealing illegal drugs as an activity to pay for his schooling, which would not have been an issue had he not been discriminated against.16 With regard to Sophie, the political group which she had joined was under surveillance by authorities in Spain, however she was not committing an illegal act

The Power of Gender In Effective Leadership Essay

The Power of Gender In Effective Leadership - Essay Example According to Business Week women have been identified to have the â€Å"right stuff† (Sharp, 2002). We are living in a society that is now focusing more on mental power rather than physical might. This is because previously, male dominated leadership position as their masculinity was seen as a form of power. The sentiments in the articles represent the postmodern views which are contrary to previous articles on leadership which illustrated that gender has no effect on gender. The issue of gender was created in the 1970s by some feminist and has been used to show the difference between male or female. It has been recognized as a social construct of what consist of maleness and femaleness. The feminist tried to show that men and women have their unique identities and this influences the way they relate to different issues in the social construct. It was also aimed at showing the there existed biological differences between men and women and this affects the way they relate to ea ch other. According pot social scientist, gender is a construct that forms the basis of every social order. The perception of gender differs across different organizations (Duerst-Lahti, n.d: 19). There are some organizations which have set apart some position for the female gender while others are preserved for the male gender alone. The inclusion of women in the managerial positions also reflects the changes that are currently taking place in management place. There is the erosion of managerial hierarchy with the manager gaining the role of a coach unlike in previous leadership model where they were expected to exercise authority. Moreover, leaders are encouraged to empower, engage and support workers. These changes give women an advantage in... This paper stresses that The society perspective on female leadership has also changed with female leaders perceived as playing a representational role. Women perspectives on leadership roles have also changed. Research on university female students indicate that more female aspire to take up challenging jobs and powerful positions. Moreover, leadership roles have changed. While previously power in leadership was associated with masculinity, today effective leadership is based on the ability to work through the subordinate staff by inspiring them and not commanding them. The aurhor talks that current leadership model requires the leaders to communicate more with the employ and make them understand why a certain role should be performed in this way and not the other. It also requires leaders who are able to listen and understand the needs of the employees. Women are biologically wired to behave this way. This report makes a conclusion that it can be observed that the increase of the representation of female in managerial and board position is a way of empowering the female gender and giving them representational role. Moreover, it increases diversity which improves the quality of the decision making process. Having female on the board is a good thing as it has been associated with greater company performance in terms of profitability as shown in the findings. This gives a company a greater competitive edge that crucial for survival in the current highly competitive business climate.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Computer management accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Computer management accounting - Essay Example The activities that are managed by organisations are becoming more complex and sophisticated, and so too is the way that these activities are configured for productive purposes. This means that the various component Management accounting is concerned with the provision of information to management, to assist with planning, decision-making and control within the business. Because planning and decision-making are inevitably directed to the future, management accounting often involves making future projections, usually called budgets. Important applications of this are capital budgeting, which deals with the appraisal of investments, and cash budgeting, which deals with the projection of future cash inflows and outflows, and the consequent financial requirements of the entity. Management accounting is also concerned with controlling and appraising the outcome of past plans, for example by analysing costs, and with assessing the economic performance of particular divisions or activities of the entity. Because the demand for management accounting information varies according to the activities, size and management structure of the entity, and because the supply of such information is not subject to statutory regulation or audit, there is a much greater variety both of techniques and of practice in management accounting than in financial accounting. ... Management has, of course, direct control over the information system of the business, so that formal regulation of the management accounting system is less important. II. Evolutionary Theories (Institutional Economics) Hamilton (2001)'s first major work, Evolutionary Economics, was primarily an exploration of the contrast between the institutionalist view of the economy as evolutionary and the classical static and mechanistic rendition. In his work this exploration primarily was conducted through examination of major areas, the institutional theories of consumption (demand), production, and distribution. (Hamilton 2001 p.745). Burns & Scapens, (2000) describe the background of institutional theory as "in recent years there has been increasing interest in institutional theory across the social sciences". They argue that three such theories have been used in the accounting literature see Miller, 1994 namely: new institutional or transaction cost economics see Walker, 1998 ; old institutional economics see Scapens, 1994 ; and new institutional sociology see Carruthers, 1995 Although these theories have different origins and intellectual roots, they share a concern for institutions and institutional change. All three offer insights which are helpful for conceptualizing management accounting change. They insist that OIE provides a focus on organizational routines and their institutionalization and, as stated above, in studying management accounting change we are studying changes in organizational routines. It also provides a way of dealing with some of the difficulties of using Giddens' 1984 structuration theor y in accounting research, and especially in research dealing with management accounting change. (Burns & Scapens, 2000 p.2) Burns &

Consumer Purchasing and the Rehabilitation Industry Coursework

Consumer Purchasing and the Rehabilitation Industry - Coursework Example Studies show that consumers have provided the impetus for economic recovery in many countries, including the US. In the wake of the US economic recession following 9/11, for example, the employment rate declined, wages stagnated, personal incomes struggled, but consumers were spending 10 percent more than the levels before the crunch. What happened was the consumers deferred their household mortgage and non-mortgage payments (housing and car loans, mostly) to pay for their daily consumption (Lilly, S. (2005). This means that come hell or high water, the consumer market is always there to lap up any brands that fulfill their needs. But precisely because the economy is in a strait jacket, producers of consumer goods and services need to navigate a minefield of challenges presented by a market made up of consumers who would only part with their hard-earned money if the brands offered to them have enough pulling power to influence their purchasing decisions. Logically, competition has ti ghtened up not only for the consumer market for goods but also for professional services, such that even the latter sector now calls for a branding strategy. The same thing goes for recruitment activities, which now use the branding approach to bag the most capable talents and personnel. Brand i Brand is the sum total of all that is known, thought, felt and perceived about a company, its product or service. It is the process of making products and companies into brands. The consumers' response to brand revolves around its image, and a strong and positive brand image influences consumers into making the decision to purchase. The marketer's principal goal is to build a relationship with buyers, not only for a single sale but also for the long term. The essence of this relationship consists of a strong bond that may be established between brand and buyer. Marketing concepts traditionally associated with the goods industry has been adopted in the service industry due to pressures exerted by rising prices and increased competition. Like all other industries, the rehabilitation industry has been buffeted by changes in technology and local economies. As in marketing for products, promotional efforts for the service sector now also put quality and customer satisfaction at the front burner. This discursive essay puts forward selected facts and theories about branding, the new challenges in marketing brands to a stingier and pickier consumer market, how bonds are established and maintained between brand and buyer, and how brands dictate the pace and scope of consumer purchasing. The essay also tracks down the journey of branding into the service industry, paying particular attention to the rehabilitation sector, which by necessity has evolved from its purely voluntary configuration into an industry as highly competitive as the market for consumer goods. II. Literature Review Haynes, A., et al. (1999) enthuse at the comprehensive brand presentation (CBP) technique, a formalized approach that aligns the manufacturing and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Learning and teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Learning and teaching - Essay Example This program was inaugurated because a lot of employers were complaining about their employees basic literacy skills and thus they had to send their employees to gain the basic reading and writing skills (Barrs & Cork, 2001, pg 9). Literacy underlies every aspect of education, it helps to outperform grades, empower students, reshape their potentials and help them survive in this world. Within the literacy subject reading is a fundamental tool for progress and success. Gough and his colleagues introduced a ‘Simple View of Reading Model’ to enhance the reading capabilities within the students. According to them children can attain competence in reading when two main elements, i.e. reading words and listening comprehension are included in reading speech. If a child can decode the text fluently and can understand the spoken language easily then he will not face any difficulty with independent reading comprehension (O’Conner, 2007, pg. 12-13). Teachers should create reading development of children at the very basic level, i.e. the primary school level. Primary teachers should enhance the reading abilities within the young students by integrating reading, writing, speaking and listening skills (N amdi, 2009, pg 4). Hence, simple view reading is used especially in England primary schools and it is considered a mandatory approach I the teachings of reading (DFES, 2006). But when we apply SVR frames within the classroom environment then this model does not fit here. It not only neglects what the child knows about the language, spelling, and the basic process of making the sense of spoken and written language but it also makes learning to read in English particularly challenging. Due to this in 2009, United Nations Literacy Association currently started a research project, Building communities of readers. This project involves developing range of children’s reading and addressing those concerns that he simple view of reading

Drug Court System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Drug Court System - Essay Example Hence, the introduction of various criminal justice programs to achieve this goal (James Ernest Lessenger, 2007, p. 126). The program we focus on is the Drug court system. Drug courts can be described as judicially monitored court dockets, whose aim is to handle cases involving non-violent substance abuse offenders under the juvenile, adult, tribal and family justice systems. These courts operate under a unique model where the defense, prosecution, law enforcement, social service, probation and the judiciary work as one to assist offenders recover and become valuable citizens. Drug courts were formed in 1989 when Miami-Dade County officials formulated a thorough, community based, rehabilitation, treatment, and supervisory program for drug defendants who were non-violent, to deal with increasing recidivism rates. These exceptional courts were established to incorporate treatment of drug problems into America’s criminal justice system, handling offenders with drug abuse history for their addiction, and at the same time ensuring supervision, and sanctions where necessary, from these courts (O’Hear, 2009, p. 105). The need for these courts in sentencing drug offenders arose from the dawning reality that America’s method in combating drug abuse by law enforcement strategies continued to cause a significant challenge for the country’s criminal court system. Drug related crime has continuously been an enormous burden for the American society, one whereby supply reduction techniques have unsuccessfully eliminated. Since 1989, these courts have scattered throughout America, and their movement has reflected the desire to change the focus from attempting to address drug crimes by cutting off their supply, to combating drug demand through addiction treatment. Drug courts have used criminal justice system to combat drug addictions by an integrated set of legal and social services instead of dependence on sanctions through probation or incarcerati on (O’Hear, 2009, p. 128). Drug courts have achieved success, the principal one being recidivism reduction when offenders are in the program and after. Drug courts are centered on close monitoring of offenders, with increased drug testing. These courts generate savings due to reduced prison time, reduce criminal justice expenses and reduce criminality. Offenders who have passed through this program have reduced recidivism rates than those who have not. Drug courts have demonstrated the feasibility of hiring a team based, problem solving strategy to adjudicating drug offenders in a manner that improves public safety, and criminal behavior is also reduced tremendously when offenders participate in this program (David W. Neubauer, 2010, p. 284). Several components describe the operational procedure of Drug courts, but with variation on the population of the defendant background and legal issues. In their legal framework, there are two Drug court models; post adjudication program s and deferred prosecution programs. In deferred prosecution, defendants who meet particular qualification requirements are directed towards Drug court system before pleading to a particular charge. They are expected not to plead guilty, and the ones who complete the program are not prosecuted any further, but failure to finish the program leads to prosecution. In post adjudication, defendants are supposed to plead guilty, but their

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Learning and teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Learning and teaching - Essay Example This program was inaugurated because a lot of employers were complaining about their employees basic literacy skills and thus they had to send their employees to gain the basic reading and writing skills (Barrs & Cork, 2001, pg 9). Literacy underlies every aspect of education, it helps to outperform grades, empower students, reshape their potentials and help them survive in this world. Within the literacy subject reading is a fundamental tool for progress and success. Gough and his colleagues introduced a ‘Simple View of Reading Model’ to enhance the reading capabilities within the students. According to them children can attain competence in reading when two main elements, i.e. reading words and listening comprehension are included in reading speech. If a child can decode the text fluently and can understand the spoken language easily then he will not face any difficulty with independent reading comprehension (O’Conner, 2007, pg. 12-13). Teachers should create reading development of children at the very basic level, i.e. the primary school level. Primary teachers should enhance the reading abilities within the young students by integrating reading, writing, speaking and listening skills (N amdi, 2009, pg 4). Hence, simple view reading is used especially in England primary schools and it is considered a mandatory approach I the teachings of reading (DFES, 2006). But when we apply SVR frames within the classroom environment then this model does not fit here. It not only neglects what the child knows about the language, spelling, and the basic process of making the sense of spoken and written language but it also makes learning to read in English particularly challenging. Due to this in 2009, United Nations Literacy Association currently started a research project, Building communities of readers. This project involves developing range of children’s reading and addressing those concerns that he simple view of reading

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

If all countries were democracies, there would still be war Essay

If all countries were democracies, there would still be war - Essay Example Does it follow then that if all the countries in the world were democracies, there would be no war pitting one with the other Is democratic peace possible I would argue in this paper that while there is still the possibility of war in this scenario, it is less likely to occur as compared to a scenario wherein undemocratic countries exist. My line of thinking would be what Achen (1986) called as the selection-effects argument. An analysis of conflicts would show that most wars pitted one form of regime with another and that democracies tend to win more often than other political systems. They do so because they are more careful in deciding whether to initiate war. They select their position by evaluating the effects and oftentimes democracies find wars as a risky venture. The studies of deterrence of Fearon (1994) and the democratic peace by Rousseau et al. (1996) point out the role that democratic electoral institutions play in limiting the possibility of war between democracies. ... However, I do not claim that this fear eliminates the possibility of war but it does show that only when they are sure of victory would democracies involve themselves. The crucial point is that when countries do become democracies, they become more efficient in waging war because they become more cautious and conduct more evaluations on the likeliness of victory. A good example of how this works was shown in the 1898 Fashoda Crisis when democratic France evaded war with the British after their evaluation have shown them they military inferior. This shows that democracies tend to be more peaceful and diplomatic with others because their political institutions constrain leaders from pursuing belligerent foreign policies. A second argument is that democracies practices freedom of expression and offer higher quality and quantity of information. There are many benefits from the abundance of quality information one of which is enabling government agencies to make better policies. This is possible because democracies allow for the vigorous discussion of alternative and provide for an open dissemination of ideas. A free press, one of the salient features of democracies, provides another deterrent for waging war. When the media has limited government control and censorship, they are more likely to expose the flaws regarding foreign and local policies and improve governance in the process. Statistical studies conducted by Snyder (1991) and Van Evera (1994) indicate that the propensity for foolhardy wars decreases as media censorship decreases. Reiter (1995) showed in an empirical study that media expositions pressure government officials to release higher quality and less biased information. In contrast, nondemocratic regimes have

Monday, October 14, 2019

Nature vs Nurture Essay Example for Free

Nature vs Nurture Essay Abstract The discussion surrounding Stephen Pinkers book The Blank Slate: the Modern Denial of Human Nature has sparks some rather interesting arguments as to whether our being is a result of nature, genetics or is it learned through nurturing. The discussion revolved around Pinkers idea that there is no such thing as the Blank Slate theory, when it comes to human nature. He believes that the human mind, like the human body, has been designed by natural selection through the process of biological evolution (Bailey Gillespie, 2002, p. 2). The Blank Slate theory derived from John Locke, a great philosopher who lived in the 16th century. In John Lockes philosophy, tabula rasa was the theory that the (human) mind is at birth a blank slate void of all characters, without any ideas or rules for processing data, and that data is added and rules for processing it formed solely by our sensory experiences. As understood by Locke, tabula rasa meant that the mind of the individual was born blank, and it also emphasized the individuals freedom to author his or her own soul. Each individual was free to define the content of his or her character but his or her basic identity as a member of the human species cannot be so altered. Implicit in this theory is the belief that individuals are infinitely and arbitrarily malleable by society: by changing the individuals environment, and thus sensory experiences, one can shape the individual with few, if any, restrictions. Steven Pinker challenges the Blank Slate theory. He thinks, we are genetically coded to be whatever we are. The experiences we encounter only have a minuscule impact on how we grow. Pinker argues about the idea of which nurture plays a more important role than nature in the development of the human mind. He believes a child is born with a personality, and parents cannot cause their children to have a different personality to that which is given. Pinker states in an interview by Bailey and Gillespie that: Blank slates do not do anything they just sit there. Human beings do things. They make sense of their environment they acquire language they interact with one another. They use reasoning to bring about things that they want. Even if you acknowledge, as you have to acknowledge, that learning, socialization, and culture are indispensable aspects of human behavior you have to admit that you cant have culture unless you have some kind of innate circuitry that can invent and acquire culture to begin with. (p. 5) Pinker also has an interesting notion, that there is no such thing as intelligence as we know it. If everyone is born void of everything, how do we explain intellectual difference among humans? One of his ways to solve the difference, because it is given to us genetically is to have its checks and balance. We have to match social structure to genetics. Pinker stated that the Blank Slate theory made divisions among humans socially, intellectually, racially and by gender. Method Participants Research participants stemmed from his research with twins where Pinker with the help of Jennifer Ganger, PhD. They gathered data. On the development of words, sentences and past tense forms in a large sample of identical and fraternal twins. In the research he looked at there gradual development of their language, if it looked like the development appear in closer synchrony in identical twins (who share all their genes) than in fraternal twins (who share half their genes, among those that vary), it would suggest that language development is paced in part by a genetically influenced maturational timetable. (Pinker research 2002 p. 1) Pinker also conducted research studies on Neuroimaging of inflection where he used (functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the neural organization of language. He also used a set of projects that focused on inflections such as the past tense and plural to understand the psychology of language. I have studied how past tense forms develop in children. I studied this processed in real time during speech productions. How they vary and do not vary? and how their details, quirks and exceptions are explained by linguistic theory. (Pinker ? research, 2002 p. 1) My view of this topic is that I think to some extent we are born with some kind of personality but our experiences molds what we truly become. I do not believe that nature give us, by genetics all the things we need in life. I think we are born with some intellectual capacity and by nurturing that, we improve our knowledge. I saw an example of nurturing on an interesting episode of CBS 60 minutes. A little boy was born severely brain damaged and was blind. He could barely walk, talk or move his hands. At the age of two, his parents gave him a piano, he began playing it, and by age five, he was already playing classical music. The gene found in this child is found, is found in one in ten thousand people and it allows him to read music. He just needs to hear a sound once in its entirety and he can play it on piano minutes later. No everyone with this gene has this ability. His parents nurtured him and invoked the intellectual part of his brain that allows him to be an extraordinary musician. Our experience in life and the way we are nurture plays a vital roll in the individuals we become. In closing, I think we do learn a great deal from nurturing and we are born with a gene that gives us certain personalities. Therefore, a human being cannot be completely void. References Bailey, R Gillespie, N (2002). Reason: Biology vs. the blank Slate. http://reason. com/0210/fe. rb. biology. shtml Pinker, S (2005) http://pinker. wjh. harvard. edu Wikipedia. Org http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Tabula_rasa http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nature_versus_nurture http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Blank_Slate.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Secondhand Market And Its Future

Secondhand Market And Its Future Literature review is about the background information of my project. I will present the related online secondhand market items in the first part. The second part I will review of 3 existing secondhand systems to find inspiration of my project. At last I will talk about open source software and how they can help me in developing system. 2.2 Secondhand Items A secondhand or used good is one that is being purchased by or otherwise transferred to a second or later end user. In another word it can simply mean it is no longer in the same condition as it was when it was first transferred to the current end user. Secondhand items may be transfer between friends or family for free, or they can be sold at a lower price at garage sales. Many people prefer to buy new goods, since new goods can make them feel safer. A warranty is provided for new goods they can fix for free or simply change a new one, buy new goods also can avoid buying stolen goods. But buy secondhand goods has significant benefits such as prevent them becoming waste and saves costly production of equivalent new goods. It can conserving natural resources and protecting the environment, and may from part of a simple living plan. 2.3 E-commerce E-commerce (Electronic Commerce) is any form of business transaction in which the parties interact electronically over the internet rather than by physical exchange or conduct. The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown extraordinarily with widespread Internet usage. The use of commerce is conducted in this way, spurring and drawing on innovations in electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. The main business uses of the internet include: The ability to buy, sell and advertise goods and service to customers and consumers. To communicate with businesses and customers around the world To promote products and services by electronically publishing brochures, manuals, product updates etc To give business the competitive edge by researching information on specific industries. E-commerce can be divided into 4 categories which are business-to-business (B2B), business-to-customer (B2C), customer-to-business (C2B) and customer-to-customer (C2C). B2B is conducted between businesses. B2B can be open to all interested parties (e.g. commodity exchange) or limited to specific, pre-qualified participants (private electronic market). Such as manufactures selling to distributors and wholesalers selling to retailers. Pricing is based on quantity of order and is often negotiable. B2C is conducted from businesses to consumers. Business selling to the general public typically through catalogs utilizing shopping cart software. This is the type of electronic commerce conducted by companies such as C2B is conducted from customer to business. A consumer posts his project with a set budget online and within hours companies review the consumers requirements and bid on the project. The consumer reviews the bids and selects the company that will complete the project. Elance empowers consumers around the world by providing the meeting ground and platform for such transactions. C2C conduct from customer to customer. There are many sites offering free classifieds, auctions, and forums where individuals can buy and sell. Thanks to online payment system like PayPal where people can send and receive money online with ease. eBays auction service is a great example of where person-to-person transactions take place every day since 1995. My Secondhand market system is belongs to C2C category. 2.4 Secondhand market and its future Secondhand markets are used for sell or exchange secondhand items. Secondhand items can often be found for sale in thrift stores and pawnshops, auctions, garage sales, and in more recent times online auctions. Some stores sell both new and used goods, while others only sell new goods but may take used items in exchange for credit toward the purchase of newer goods. These stores are all can be seen as secondhand market. The secondhand market is exciting developing now. Since global financial crisis hit, people turn to shopping in an economy way. So the secondhand trading market benefit from this struggling economy. (Lynn Ducey, 2008) Secondhand markets are busier than ever, it appears a bucking retail trends. (Elizabeth Millard, 2008). Report by CNN 2th January 2009, one of Buffalo (a Manhattan consignment shop) privately held company says it has $50 million in annual revenue and is concluding its third consecutive year of sales growth and also of the resale markets overall performance. Secondhand stores are profiting from the recession. (Maggie Overfelt, 2009) The second-hand trading market is booming as bargain-hunting consumers turn to buying quality second-hand items online, from the latest plasma screens to designer togs. Popular online trading sites like eBay and Trading Post both report a spike in trade of second-hand item. 2.5 Secondhand markets in campus The secondhand market has a huge potential in campus, there are many things can supply such as books, stationery, MP3, computer, etc. These items have the guaranteed quality and in a low price because the buyer and seller are both students easier to monitor. So people like to buy stuff from college students, giving them a high trust. In China annually last-year students spontaneously organize a secondhand market to exchange of second hand school materials. They place stalls along the college street, as long as 100 meters, and becomes a kind of tradition. Even some residents nearby the campus join this team. There is a great deal of graduate students in college every year and they have a lot of things hard to take away but still useful. For the sake of avoiding the waste and recycling, the secondhand market is a good way to solve this problem which can bring some economic benefits at the same time. 2.6 Pros and Cons of online secondhand markets Pros There many advantage to use online secondhand market. Selling and buying secondhand items both become easily. The website allows you to browse through different categories and see the ads posted by other sellers to buy or sell items easily. Use internet we can access more secondhand item resources than traditional shopping method. We can use search function to search product as much as we want without travel here and there. Online secondhand market also can help you save money since you can compare price easily and bargain with seller. Cons Use online secondhand market to search product, user may facing a problem that the quality cannot guarantee. User cannot see, touch and easily ask questions about a real product. Use online shopping decrease the frequency of people get out of the house. This may cause health issue to people. There are some people get cabin fevers in the winter since this situation. Another disadvantage of buy secondhand product online is that secondhand items do not have warranty, if got problem user cannot change a new one or fix for free. 2.7 Review existing system 2.7.1 2nd hand ( Introduction 22nd hand is an online second hand market in Malaysia, it allow customer to sell or find request goods online. Key features Register/log in If user wants to post advertisements on this website, he/she need to register on this website. User need to fill up the personal information such as name, gender, contact information (which will display with advertisement together for others to contact with owner) Home page Home page displays the latest sales/request advertisement in sequence. Post sell/request item After user log in they can post a sell/request advertisement at this website. They can post goods photo, edit, update, delete goods information. Search Search function has three classifies: by catalog, by location, by user. User can choose any one of them to process search function. Goods catalog page The website use a whole page to display the entire catalog, user can find all goods classifies here. 2.7.2 Gumtree ( Introduction Gumtree Sydney is a free local classifieds site. Look for items for sale, services, cars, jobs, housing, and more. This site has a large community of individual sellers who put up items for sale. You often can find garage sales here. Its search engine allows you to filter by products and price range. If youre looking for a specific item, you can also sign up to alerts via your email address. Key Features: Post sell/request item Gumtree offer free post advertisement for customer, customer can post an advertisement to sale something or find something they want to buy. Customer first need to select an category that the item they want to post then need to choose they want to buy or sell product then edit product information here, such as price, product name, description and also can post an image of product. Customer need to edit their contact information convenient for others to contact. Promote advertisement Website also provides promote advertisement method which include: highlight advertisement, top advertisement and show advertisement on home page. These functions are charge items. My Gumtree Customer register in Gumtree, they can have an own page for manage their posted advertisement, they can post, promote, edit, delete and have an personal Watch List Discuss area A forum used for user post articles to share their experience of Gumtree and make judgments of service. Help function This web page use a search function to allow user to search questions that they want to ask, see if the question already answered by others. It likes a guideline to guide user use the Gumtree. Other service: Profile, FAQ, search 2.7.3 mySimplifieds ( Introduction mySimplifieds is Malaysias Most Comprehensive Classified Listings, All In One Hassle Free Classified Portal To Reach Out Your Largest Buyer Seller Groups Effectively. Key features: Advertisement List your items on mySimplifieds and all our affiliated portals at no extra cost. Post personal classifies: Select a category, edit items information such as: item name, description, price and key word used for search function. Customer even can add an video for posted item to promote it; Fill the form about contact information for others to contact with you; Use the map offered by Malaysia Classifies to show the location of the item; Malaysia Classifies have an special function that report delivered daily or weekly to you email to find out key stats such as unique visitors, total view enquiries so that you can monitor your classifieds performance. Search Search by classifies, and type the key word to search needed items. Tips Buy and sell page got tips to guide customer use the webpage, customer can quickly learned how to use it. FAQ mySimplifieds offer an FAQ to solve frequent question that customer may be ask, if user still get problem, they can send email to mySimplifieds until get satisfied answer Comparison between 3 website website Advantage Disadvantage 2ndhand Simple, easy to use Poor features, not so much functions can choose by people Gumtree Free for post advertisement; Have promote function; Discussion function; Help function User need to charge promote function Web pages are very long need to roll down. mySimplifieds Advertisement function make the post items on its all affiliated portals at no extra cost Products do not display in sequence cannot see latest advertise post by users. Web pages are full of tips, difficult to find process function. 2.8 Overview development tools 2.8.1 HTML HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, HTML is not a programming language, but is a markup language. A markup language is a set of markup tags. HTML uses markup tags to describe web pages. It provide a means to creat structured documents by denoting structureral semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists etc as well as for links, quotes, and other items. It allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It can include or can load scripts in languages such as JavaScript which affect the behavior of HTML processors like Web browsers; and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define the appearance and layout of text and other material. 2.8.2 PHP PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. As a general purpose programming language, PHP code is processes by an interpreter application in command-line mode performing desired operating system operations and producing program out put on its standard output channel. It may also function as a graphical application. PHP is available as a processor for most modern web servers and as standalone interpreter on most operating system and computing platform. It is free for use, PHP group provide the complete source code for users to build, customize and extend for their own use. PHP originally designed to create dynamic web page, now mainly focus on server-side scripting. It is similar to ASP and JSP which provide dynamic content from a web server to a client. PHP is a member of the popular LAMP architecture which in the web industry as a method of deploying web application. PHP is representing P in LAMP; other three alphabets represent Linux, Apache and MySQL. Significant website are written in PHP include Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo, MyYearbook, Digg and so on. According Wikipedia, April 2007, over 20 million Internet domains had web services hosted on servers with PHP installed and mod-php was recorded as the most popular Apache HTTP Server module. 2.8.3 MySQL MySQL is the most popular open source SQL database management system, is developed, distributed, and supported by Sun Microsystems, Inc. MySQL consistent fast performance, high reliability and ease of use. Its used on every continent, even Antarctica. Individual web developers or worlds largest and fastest-growing organizations both use MySQL to save time and money powering their high-volume Web site, business-critical system and packaged software including industry leaders such as Yahoo!, Alcatel-Lucent, Google, Nokia, YouTube, and MySQL support most of the function youve come to expect in a commercial RDBMS. It ensures that transactions comply with the ACID Model, allows the building of indexes, supports standard data types, and allows for database replication, among other features. MySQL also provide flexibility put you in control since it can runs on more than 20 platforms including Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Solaris, HP-UX, IBM AIX. 2.8.4 Apache Apache is public-domain, open source Web server developed by a loosely-knit group of programmers. Apache is generally recognized as the worlds most popular Web server (HTTP server). The first vision of Apache, based on the NCSA http Web server, was developed in 1995. Originally designed for UNIX servers, the Apache Web server has been ported to Windows and other network operating system (NOS). The name Apache derives from the word patchy that the Apache developers used to describe early versions of their software. The Apache Web server provides a full range of Web server features, including CGI, SSL, and virtual domains. Apache also supports plug-in modules for extensibility. Apache is reliable, free, and relatively easy to configure. Apache is free software distributed by the Apache Software Foundation. The Apache Software Foundation promotes various free and open source advanced Web technologies. 2.8.5 Benefits of use open source There are many reason for us to choose open source, here just list several important reasons to review. First of all, the cost will be a very important reason. The open source software is free. You no need to charge anything for it. You just download and install then can do your stuff with the software. Second is open source offer a high level security. Open source software packages are almost always secure than proprietary options. If you read reports from the Dti and Pwc you will found that all known viruses are targeting proprietary software system. It is hard to find any real data on the number of Linux viruses that are in circulation. The last but not least reason I want to write is features, because most open source software is developed by people who use it, so it tends to have more advance features. If theres something you want to do you can either modify the product yourself or pay someone to do it for you. If you wish to, you are free to contribute your modifications back to the community so that the software continues to improve. Most open source licenses only require you to do this if you re-distribute your modified product to others. 2.9 Conclusion From the literature review it can be concluded that secondhand market is appears a bucking retail trends both in campus and society. The secondhand market has a bright future and more and more people turn to buy secondhand items online. The review of exist secondhand system shows that the secondhand system has these common functions: search, browse, post advertisement, category and manage function. I learned advantages and disadvantages from these systems. I can design my system better with this knowledge. I choose Open source software to develop my system since its economy and rich functionality. I can easily use and find help from internet if I get problem cannot solve. Open source software is a good system development tool for the person who wants to develop a system without much money and experience.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Comparing Frost’s Mending Wall and Rosenblatt’s A Game of Catch :: comparison compare contrast essays

Robert Frost’s   Mending Wall   and Roger Rosenblatt’s A Game of Catch Humans have an uncanny ability to place themselves at a comfortable distance from each other and call it a â€Å"mutual understanding,† a â€Å"friendship,† or even â€Å"true love,† but it is all lies. The essence of man’s mystery is somewhat of a paradox. He yearns to become more familiar with those around him, yet he is unwilling to allow this to happen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The power of "Mending Wall," one of Frost's most often quoted poems, rests upon an opposition. Its two famous lines contradict each other. The poem upholds that:   Something there is that doesn't love a wall.   But it also asserts that: Good fences make good neighbors.   The contradiction is reasonable, for two different types of people utter the conflicting remarks and both are right. Man cannot live without walls, boundaries, limits and especially self-limitations; yet he resents all fetters and is happy at the destruction of any barrier. In "Mending Wall" the boundary line is useless:   There where it is we do not need the wall.   And, to stress the point, the speaker facetiously adds:   He is all pine and I am apple orchard.   My apple trees will never get across   And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.   One may find far-reaching connotations in this poem. As well as that it states one of the greatest difficulties of our time: whether national walls should be made stronger for our safety, or whether they should be let down, since they impede our progress toward understanding and eventual common humanity.   "Mending Wall" can also be considered a symbolic poem. In the voices of the two men the younger, capricious, "modern" speaker and the old-fashioned farmer who replies with his one dogged sentence, his inherited aphorism. Some may hear the opposition of two forces: the zeal of revolt, which challenges tradition, and the spirit of restraint, which insists that customs must be upheld, built up and continually rebuilt, as a matter of principle.   The poet himself looks down upon such symbolic analysis. He denies that the poem says anything more than it seems to say. The dispute is the heart of the poem. It answers itself in the paradox of people, in neighbors and competitors, in the antagonistic nature of man.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Roger Rosenblatt’s essay, â€Å"A Game of

Friday, October 11, 2019

Jairo Morales Homwork

Lu is the person who handles looks after loan applications. 5 Mailman has announced that it will be intro icing _bringing out a new online payment system in the fall. 6 Can you check _ look up the bank reference code in the directory? 7 The government has decided to advance bring forward the date for submitting tax returns. 8 The bank has refused _turned down my application for a loan. 9 The exact conditions are explained set out in detail in the contract. 10 You need to provide proof of identify before you an open _set up an account.C Choose two of the verbs from the list below. How many phrasal verbs can you make by combining them with the prepositions or adverbs from box 2? Check come cut fall get go look make pay put run settle Check out/ up fall down/ out Grammar Check 2 A The modals can, could, might, may, should, will, and shall are used to express different degrees of likelihood. Look at their use in the sentences below. In which of the three categories (a, b, or c) would you include them? A Possible b Impossible c Certain Customers can't withdraw more than $300 a day in cash. B 2 It can take at least a month before a home loan is approved. _a 3 The insurance company will charge you for the whole year even if you don't deice to cancel after the first month. _ c 4 To cash a check for more than $200, clients may be asked to provide ID. _a 5 It could be difficult to get your associates to agree to those conditions. A _ 6 We shall need written confirmation Of the transfer request. _c 7 You might find it more convenient to do your banking by phone. A_ 8 The bank won't cover overdrafts beyond the specified limit. C B Read the sentences and choose the correct answer (a or b). 1 It b take longer than two days to process your applications. A couldn't B shouldn't lend you an additional $ 1000 if you maintain your credit record. A can B won't 3 They've promised that all the paperwork a _ be ready before next week. A will B may 4 It be better to ask if you can repa y the money in installments. A might shall 5 I'm afraid that we _ a accept payment in cash. A can't B mightn't 6 The local bank closes at six so B should Conclusion: be able to get there in time.A can Being weak in grammar poses a great challenge to ourselves, especially while writing and speaking. This often becomes a major problem. Nowadays most communication is through writing, be it courtesy mails, proposals, invoices, quotations, or invites. People who are into advancing their careers, their businesses, and those on the lookout for personal enrichment have no choice but to polish their grammar, especially the tenses. This will ensure the communication gets understood correctly and avoid misunderstandings.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Character Motivations in Antigone Essay

The main characters in Sophocles’ drama, Antigone, are Antigone herself, the play’s tragic heroine and Antigone’s uncle and King of Thebes, Creon. Both characters are ruled by powerful motivations and beliefs; however, they differ from one character to the next. Antigone’s motivation is love for her family- she puts it above all else. In fact, she is willing to sacrifice her life to defend that love. Antigone goes to great lengths to bury her deceased brother, who according to an edict issued by King Creon, died in dishonor, consequently making it illegal for anyone to bury his body. Through her actions to comply with her motivations, it is revealed that Antigone’s actions are also fueled by her strong beliefs that, first, the gods’ laws are more powerful than any law made by man, and second, that it is better to die a heroic death than a cowardly one. Throughout the play, Antigone stands firm on these beliefs by standing up for them even through her death as demonstrated through the following dialogue in which she admits her crime, and voices her beliefs to Creon; â€Å"It was not Zeus who published this decree, nor have the powers who rule among the dead imposed such laws as this upon mankind; nor could I think that a decree of yours- A man- could override the laws of heaven unwritten and unchanging†¦For me to meet this doom (death) is little grief; But when my mother’s son lay dead, had I neglected him and left him there unburied, That would have caused me grief; this causes me none† (437-459). This scene illustrates the essence of Antigone’s character. She’s defending her â€Å"crime† of burying her brother, thus demonstrating that she is motivated by the love that she has for her family. She’s further justifying her act by stating that Creon’s law is not the law that she feels she must adhere to- she follows the gods laws, another one of her guiding beliefs, and finally, she’s not only accepting her impending doom, but actually welcoming it because she’s dying defending her beliefs, therefore dying a heroic death rather than dying in cowardice. On the other hand, Creon is also motivated by love; however, his love is love for his country, rather than his family. He puts country above all else, including his family- he’s willing to do whatever he needs to do to make sure that Thebes remains powerful. In order to achieve this goal he demands loyalty from his subjects, once again, family included; he rules by intimidation, and is very proud. In fact, pride is another one of his major motivations. For these reasons, his character is a feared leader. First of all, the fact that he issues that his nephew cannot be buried shows that- one, he demands loyalty, even over loyalty to the gods, and two, he defends his country over his family. He continues displaying his beliefs when he doesn’t revoke the edict even after his wife, and niece clearly disagree with it. Creon’s pride continues to take precedent when he begins falsely accusing his subjects, and acting rashly with little thought. Creon’s character, while a complex character is strongly represented in much of his dialogue, perhaps this passage of dialogue between Creon and the prophet Teiresias best captures his essence. â€Å"Sir, all of you, like bowmen at a target, let fly your shafts at me. Now they have turned even diviners on me! By that tribe I am bought and sold and stowed away on board. Go, make your profits, drive your trade in Lydian silver or in Indian gold, but him you shall not bury in a tomb, no, not though Zeus’ own eagles eat the corpse and bear the carrion to their master’s throne: Not even so, for fear of that defilement, will I permit his burial-for well I know that mortal man cannot defile the gods† (994-1006). Through this single quote, Creon demonstrates all of his predominate qualities; he’s accusing Teiresias of bribery, therefore, acting before thinking, he won’t repeal his edict even though he admits that the edict does defy Zeus, thus illustrating his pride. He likes being in power of a powerful state, so much so that he is blind to his own pride, and is fine with ruling by intimidation and demanding loyalty from his subjects.

Huck Finn Censorship Synthesis

In this modern day and age, everything offends someone. Eating at Chick-fil-A hurts the LGBT community, going to see the latest Adam Sandler movie gets the Jewish mad at you- so why is it surprising that Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is being changed to please people? Whether they be teachers, students, black or white, there need be no change in Huck Finn. And if any change were to be made- that would be censorship. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn portrays a message that cannot be missed about the racist ideals of society at that time.Using demeaning words like â€Å"nigger† and â€Å"injun† serve purpose in Twain’s work. His repetition of ugly phrases like those show just how ugly community values were back then. In Source B, Gribben admits to changing those words to more family friendly terms, specifically â€Å"slave† and â€Å"Indian†. Those are not always correct, though. Often times, â€Å"nigger† is used fro m one African American to the other, to show an acceptance of brotherhood and a communal understanding of struggle. The replacement of â€Å"slave† is not correct in this case, or in others.â€Å"Slave† is defined as a person who is property of another. This is not accurate either, considering Jim, the main African American character in the book, ran away from his owner and no longer held that specific job. Even if he were still a slave, the correction would not be correct at all. African Americans were never kindly titled â€Å"slave†. They were spit at, and the harsh use of the word â€Å"nigger† slapped them across the face like it does to students across the country who read it now (Source D).Taking away Twain’s most purposefully placed word completely takes away from his message. Without the original vocabulary, society cannot learn the important message that Twain is trying to teach. Twain’s use of â€Å"nigger† is like a whole new form of imagery. Many students shift uncomfortably in their desks when they hear it out loud, some will even go as far as claiming to hate the book because of the tense and demeaning language (Source A). This is what Twain wanted.The use of â€Å"nigger† has not changed at all over the years, and ignoring it would be equivalent to ignoring an entire chapter of our history books, one that very much defined our country. The poster-word for the discrimination of African Americans is â€Å"nigger†, therefore Huck Finn would be ripped of its historical accuracy if the word were removed. Twain wants reders to empathize with the book’s victims, because only then would his readers be able to understand the harsh pain of the word. Twain’s message is simple: â€Å"nigger† is not okay.But there is no other way to prove this than to force it upon the reader. Twain was and continues to be a literary genius. His willingness to take a chance and make a reader empathize and feel something is what makes his book such a learning experience. Stripping the book of its most infamous word, â€Å"nigger†, cowards away from its most obvious message. If everything mildly offensive was censored, there would be nothing left to read. So instead of complaining about history, enjoy the beauty of Twain’s book, buy some Chick-fil-A, and the rent the newest Adam Sandler movie- before it’s too late.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Equity theory 2 videos Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Equity theory 2 videos - Assignment Example Adams theory acknowledges that variable factors affect employees’ assessment and perception of their relationship with their employer and their work. Employees may be demotivated with their employer or job if they feel that their inputs are greater than the output. Therefore, the resultant effects of this will be reduced efforts, disgruntled and disruptive. In the application of this theory in a work place, it is important to consider the imbalance and the balance that exist between employees input and output in order to have satisfaction in a work place. This theory believes that a good leader will recognize the needs and well-being of the team members in order to build a highly and successful teams (Maslow, 2012, 00:03:44). Maslow believes that that there should be an emotional contact between leaders and their team for enhancement of equity and motivation at work place. In this theory, the followers usually give in their best return when they realize their leaders are looking upon their welfares. However, the theory contends that, as people strive to achieve basic needs, they also seek to satisfy their higher sets of

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Unit 2 in my backyard Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 2 in my backyard - Research Paper Example Most of these posters are often located at the market place and bus terminus since most people pass through those points. In our community, sometimes the public health agency visit people’s homes to provide free vaccinations and immunizations. These people are commonly seen only when there is a national disaster and there is need for people to get medical services at personal level. In case of outbreaks of polio, these people also visit homes to immunize young children below the age of 5 years (Mitch 2010). Doctors in our community do not provide health information while they work in their health rooms. This practice has been going for so long since they claim it is not their jobs to go around spreading health information to people, but theirs is to treat. In our community, people get health information too from the media. Radios and televisions usually provide good media coverage on certain important medical facts and people come to learn from

Monday, October 7, 2019

Human Resource Management and Labor Relations Essay - 1

Human Resource Management and Labor Relations - Essay Example The main challenges faced by domestic and global companies involve the challenge become more efficient or competitive, to overcome diversity and cultural differences, to introduce effective culture and good morale, organizational structure and change. In home country, difficulties in communication can arise with produc ­tion systems where workers are stationed continuously at a particular point with limited freedom of movement. Even when opportunities exist for interaction with colleagues, physical conditions may limit effective commu ­nication. Communication has an impact of organizational structure which is on the surface the elements or patterns of rules, and social relations (encounters and face to face co-presence) are articulated by discourse and ideology. Rather than being dependent upon information, organizational communication is embedded in trust. Surface relations must be seen in terms of a deeper code or structure that makes sense of the often conflicting surface even ts. An environment from which communication flows is interpreted and constructed, regardless of the networks from which the communication emerges or arises (dense, close, loose, tight, redundant, etc) (Campbell 45). In a global context, workforce diversity has a tremendous impact on communication and relations between employees. All employees come from different cultural and social environment; they have different social statuses and class location, different religious beliefs and belong to different cultures. Differences are bound to exist, due simply to the physical characteristics of the employees, such as sex, nation race (Gesteland 76). These differences create a certain tension between employees which requires special intervention actions of HR department to manage workforce diversity. The main challenges in communication involve cultural and language differences.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Some exam questions I need explained Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Some exam questions I need explained - Essay Example PEST (Political, Economical, Socio-cultural, Technological factors) analysis is an important strategic planning tool. It proves to be a useful stepping stone for the analysis of external factors for an organization. It is also useful to analyze the feasibility of a certain project with reference to different external factors that might affect its execution. This model covers a broader aspect of the prevailing environmental factors than SWOT analysis. Porter’s 5 Forces: This model was developed by Michael E. Porter in 1980. He formulated the model on the basis of 5 competitive forces that tend to determine the nature of every industry. Organization can evaluate the level of competition, profitability and acceptance rate of an industry with the help of these forces; threat of new competitors, bargaining power of the suppliers, rate of rivalry in the industry, bargaining power of customers, threat of substitutes. Value Chain Analysis: It is considered to be a systematic approach; involves a sequence of functions and actions that build value for the organization. Value chain analysis plays a major role in the development of competitive advantage in the market. It equals to the cumulative value that is provided by the organization. Experience Curve Effect: This concept was formulated in 1966 by Bruce Henderson. Experience is considered to be an asset for any organization. The concept promotes the increment of this asset in different forms in the organization, for example, hiring of experienced resources, collaboration with other companies etc. According to the experience curve effect; if a company gains greater experience in a specific field or production process then 25 to 30 % of the costs can be decreased. It can help the organization to evaluate the success rate of the company and increase revenues. BCG (Boston Consulting Group) Matrix: is a portfolio management model. It categorizes the products of the organization

Friday, October 4, 2019

A Hard Days Night Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Hard Days Night - Essay Example Their film, A Hard Day’s Night portrays those values and how they handled them. This essay will try to show why the Beatles film, A Hard Day’s Night reflected the values of the 1960’s in America. The American culture in the 1960’s was fueled by baby boomers of the world war two. This youthful population made the beatles more popular because their fan base was huge. They liked to do things their own way and expressed themselves more viciously. The beatles came with a different kind of music that endeared to them because of the message it portrayed. The beatles messages questioned the old society norms, thus making the sixties generation want to explore what was forbidden by their parents (A Hard Day’s Night (1964) –IMDb). The messages were of self realization, sex and drugs. In the film, A Hard Day’s Night by the beatles reflects some of the values that the sixties American used to practice. Different scenes portray different values that the American expressed. The train station scene where the beatles was chased down the Marylebone station, portrays how the sixties liked fame (A Hard Day’s Night (1964) –IMDb). They liked to associate themselves with celebrities. The beatles enjoyed being famous and the limelight. In another scene at the press conference, the beatles seemed to enjoy the spotlight. They are flanked by reporters who want to sell their story. The questions asked are primarily youthful and seem to ender the young population. This brings about the theme of the beatles vs adults. The questions asked, were to do with fashion, love and the fame they are experiencing. During the sixties, this was what drove the youth. It was fashionable to let your hair grow and wear certain pants. This was what the beatles portrayed to the world. The night club scene, where the lads sneak out of their hotel room to go have some fun at a twist club. The beatles blatantly disobeyed

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Oedipus Trilogy Essay Example for Free

Oedipus Trilogy Essay It was Sophocles who wrote the Oedipus Trilogy. Although Oedipus Rex has always been a common oral story to the Greeks, Sophocles added different dimensions in his rendition of the tragic story of Oedipus. Antigone was the epilogue of the trilogy and the last part of the story but it was the first play to be produced. Oedipus the King was the beginning of the trilogy, where the fate of Oedipus was prophesied, and the rise and fall of Oedipus was chronicled. And Oedipus at Colonus is the middle of the trilogy where Oedipus dies and his sons murder each other thus continuing the eventuality of the prophecy. In Antigone, the final pieces of the tragedy unraveled, thus completing the prophecy of the oracle to Oedipus. In Antigone, the play focuses more on the battle between opposing primary views and concerns. Actually, it was more on opposing pride. Antigone was determined to give his brother an honorable burial despite the fact that the current king blatantly forbids it. She maintains that love is above law and hegemony. Creon, on the other hand, although Polynices is his nephew, forbids the burial on the grounds that it is the law to refuse honorable funerals to traitors. Although the central characters have opposing views, their attributes are very much similar to each other. Both are blinded by their own pride in their decisions. Antigone, when confronted by Creon, refuses to back down despite the fact that Creon threatened her that her sister will be penalized together with her. Antigone, sees her action as a form of â€Å"martydom†. In a way she sees glory in what she had done by â€Å"sacrificing† herself for the sake of his brother, which somewhat preposterous because of the fact that his brother is already dead. Creon, likewise, refuses to change his decision despite his son’s threat of suicide if he condemns Antigone. Although he perceives that his son’s words were not empty threats, he still refused to change his decision. This is because he distinguishes his action as strength of leadership. He mistakes pride for decisive command. Antigone represents moral ascendancy over political law. Creon, on the other hand, symbolizes the primacy of the rule of law above all else. The play attempts to stir the audience to struggle on which side should prevail. Athens, during the time of Sophocles was in its golden age. Democracy has been the highest point of the era. However, there are certain rules of law that exist to govern the democratic state. The play seeks to arouse questions from among the audience. Whether certain personal morals and filial duty should take over the rule of law when the situation calls for it. Or whether the rule of law should always prevail to maintain order in the society. However, Sophocles drives home the point that there are no extreme grounds. Moral ascendancy and the rule of law are invariably intertwined and should be taken into consideration in making a decision. In the play it was the comical messenger that best manifested the careful weighing of consequences of his actions when he pondered to and fro on what to tell Creon. It was him that provided a middle ground. His action was the very reflection of the thoughts of the audience. Towards the end of the play, both Creon and Antigone became so blind of their pride in their decision that they were no longer fighting for what they believe is right. Antigone sees her suicide as a form of sacrilegious immolation as if she was giving herself up for the good of her brother. Likewise, Creon perceives his decision to condemn Antigone as strength of leadership. He thinks that if he pardons Antigone, then he had let Antigone â€Å"win†, that Antigone will emerge to be â€Å"the man† in the battle. Creon’s and Antigone’s greatest folly is their tendency to oversimplify the situation. Antigone reduced the circumstance to moral ascendancy and Creon to the rule of law. Their pride made them blind that their decision will lead to conflict and deliberation. Like all characters of the play, Oedipus’ tragic flaw is his pride. In Oedipus the King, the rise and fall of Oedipus was accounted to his pride. His killing of his father was brought about by his pride, his desire to seek the truth of his identity was driven by pride, his edict of severe punishment to the murderer of Laius was brought about by pride and even is in his lowest moment when he eventually discovered the truth he still clung to the last pieces of his trappings as king. However, there is a great difference in Oedipus’ pride and that of Creon’s and Antigone’s. Antigone claims that it was for her love of her brother that she disobeyed Creon but in reality she puts herself in a pedestal with greater morals than Creon could understand. She masked her pride with proclamations of sacrifice and martyrdom for filial love. Creon, on the other hand, asserts that his actions are but mere implementation of law. However, in truth, Creon revels at the power that he holds upon the kingdom. This is evident even in the play Oedipus the King when Creon demonstrated his newfound power by curtly cutting off Oedipus while he was still mourning his fate. Oedipus pride, however, was disguised as his earnestness. This was exposed when he declared that he would seek all means to end the plague in his nation. He was so earnest in his demonstrations to the people of his intentions to save his kingdom that he himself cemented his doom. Furthermore, in seeking the murderer of Laius, in his earnestness to punish the criminal, he unknowingly condemned himself. More over, when the truth of his identity was slowly untangling, he was so earnest in wanting to discover the whole truth that he made a way for his ruination. In truth, Oedipus was earnest because he wanted to set himself apart from the rest. He wanted to be a great leader in his nation. His exaggerated demonstrations of his intentions to save his nation were masked pride. He clearly wanted to be the â€Å"savior† of his kingdom. He celebrates at the power that he holds upon the people. This is obvious that he dares insult the oracle when he came to his presence. Moreover, being royals, Jocasta and Oedipus had the tendency to invalidate the fate the gods have in store for them. They have countless times declared that the oracle is false. This is clearly a sign of their pride that they could not fathom that there are any other being that is above them. At the end of the play, Oedipus took responsibility of his actions. But even in his broken state he was still proud. It was him who commanded Creon to bury Jocasta as he sees fit and to banish him from his nation. Although he no longer has any real power, he still managed to hold on to his last bits of power as a former king. Oedipus the King ended with Oedipus as a broken man banished from his kingdom and disgraced from the society. In Oedipus at Colonus, we find just that, a broken man. However, his brokenness should not be interpreted as newfound humility. Contrariwise, his decent into brokenness left him embittered. In the play, he again questions his fate. He even questions his sons’ decision in remaining adamant in his exile. The initial scene of the play rightly sets the tone for the story. Antigone was describing their trespass on holy ground that must be corrected with prayers and libation. It is ironing that Oedipus and Antigone, with full knowledge of the wrongness of their action still proceed to commit the deed then proceed to rectify the iniquitous. This is the theme all throughout the play, the characters all seemingly commit an action that they are fully aware that is not correct but still proceed to do so nonetheless. Again all of which is because of pride. When Creon abducts Oedipus’ daughters, Theseus proceeds to rescue them. He pretends that he did so because of honor and duty. However, in reality, Theseus’ primary objective is to save his own kingdom. In this play, most of the characters have hidden agenda. In the first two plays that Sophocles wrote, the characters were forthright with their motives. Antigone and Creon were so brash and obvious in their thoughts and beliefs in Antigone. In Oedipus the King, Oedipus lack of blunt motives led to his destruction. But in the third installment, the characters were more masked in their intentions. Even Oedipus, when he refused to go back to his city, he maintained that it was on the basis of his newfound holiness but in truth it was his pride that kept him from coming back. Why would come back to a city that shunned him? Or to the people that eschewed themselves from him? Moreover, in a confrontation with Polynices, he begins to questions his sons actions on why they were apathetic of his exile. He failed to realize that it was him who commanded Creon to exile him in the first place. Just as he was physically blind, he was also blind from the truth. Even in his deprivation he still was not able to fully see the extent of his mistakes and his pride. In the end, Oedipus’ death was inconsequential. For a character such as him, it is but ironic that his death was portrayed as merely peripheral with only Theseus as witness. Even the lamentations of Ismene and Antigone were not impassionate enough. Sophocles merely pointed out that no matter how great Oedipus was in his former glory, like everyone else, his end is just merely death – a fate that no great man can escape from.