Thursday, August 15, 2019


Hypothesis The following hypotheses are (or hypothesis is) formulated for acceptance or rejection: (use null hypothesis) Scope and Limitation of the Study Should include: 1. Focus/ areas/ scope to be assesses/ investigated/ determine/ analyze & where to conduct research 2. Participants( subject or respondents or population) of the study including sampling technique to be used, total number of population/ exclusion/ inclusion/ criteria used if purposive 3. Instrument/s to be used for data gathering (example: questionnaire, interview, observation, etc. One or combination of any chosen tool/s) 4. Statistical treatment of data to use 5. When to conduct the study Significance of the Study Findings and recommendations of this study could be beneficial to the following: School Administrators. Blah†¦.. School of Nursing. Blah†¦ Nursing Students. Blah†¦. Etc†¦ Future Researchers (should be the last) NOTE: Identify who will benefit from your study and how will they benefit from the results of the study Definitions of Terms The following terms are operationally defined within the scope of the study: (Key words can be identified from the title and variables that need to be defined in relation to your study. Remember operational, not conceptual definition.) Chapter 2 (on separate sheet) REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter provides review of related literature and studies, both local and foreign which are related to the study. This chapter should be arranged by topic, integrating both local and foreign literatures and studies. Local Literature – includes primary or secondary related literatures from reference materials such as books, journals/ periodicals, websites, newspaper, speeches, encyclopedia, patient’s medical records, handouts, manuals, etc†¦ Local or Filipino authors Foreign Literature – includes primary or secondary related literatures from reference materials such as books, journals/ periodicals, websites, newspaper, speeches, encyclopedia, nursing literatures, etc with foreign authors, nursing theorists or other theorists from different fields of studies- medicine, psychology, sociology, education, etc that are relevant to your study Local Studies- includes research studies, undergraduate/ graduate theses or doctoral dissertations from Filipino students or researchers, thesis review, abstract of studies, published or unpublished Foreign Studies – as above but with foreign authors, published or unpublished, internet sources (Arranged by topic with sources – author/s and year of publication only ; proper citation ) Synthesis Includes the summary of related literatures and studies, pointing their similarities and differences from your present studies. 1 – 2 pages only. Theoretical Framework If research paradigm is I-P-O (Input- Process- Output), use the General Systems Theory (research on this). If you will use Independent Variables- Dependent Variables, use conceptual theory that will best support your research paradigm. (Figure 1. Research Paradigm (illustration of your research study) must be in one whole sheet, placed at the last page of chapter 2. Explanation of your paradigm or model must be under theoretical framework after the discussion of the framework you will use . Chapter 3 (separate sheet) METHODOLOGY Research Design This study will use the _________________________ research design to (state purpose of the study), (You may define or state the purpose of the study†¦ you may quote the definition from the book and cite your source/s). Participants of the Study Include here the subject/ population of the study†¦ you may copy this part from your scope and limitation. Instrumentation Construction. Include here the type of data gathering tool or method you will use, how are you going to construct your questionnaire, source/s to use or your reference for constructing your tool. Description of the tool†¦ Part I will include †¦..; Part II will consists of†¦. Validity. Mention here who will validate your questionnaire ( at least 3 experts), if you’re going to pretest or conduct pilot test prior to actual study. Data gathering Procedure Include here how you will conduct the study – letter of consent requesting permission to conduct study: Dean, Director of Hosp, Chief Nurse, participants; When to conduct study, manner on how to conduct study – distribution and retrieval of questionnaires. Statistical Treatment of Data What statistical instrument to use†¦ frequency distribution for profile, percentage, measures of central tendencies. What statistical treatment to use for test of hypothesis: t-test, Chi square, Pearson r correlation coefficient, ANOVA, etc†¦ BIBLIOGRAPHY (Separate sheet, center) A. BOOKS (center) Grodner, M., Roth, S. (2005). Foundations and Clinical application of Nutrition: A Nursing Approach. Singapore: Elsevier Pte Ltd., Health Services Asia B. JOURNALS/ PERIODICALS(center) Hughes, A. (2007). â€Å"Pragmatism Rules: The Interventions and Prevention Strategies Used by Psychiatric Nurses Working With Non-Suicidal Self-harming Individuals†. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Vol. 9, No. 17, pp. 64- 71 C. ELECTRONIC SOURCES (complete website/ internet ad/title/ author and date of retrieval; center) D. UNPUBLISHED MATERIALS (Undergrad or grad theses. Doctoral dissertations†¦center) Salang, F. (2009). Determinants of Stressors and Coping Mechanism: Their Relationships. Master’s Thesis, Asia-Pacific College of Advanced Studies, Balanga City E. OTHERS (Handouts, speeches, manuals, hosp/ school manual of policy and procedures, etc.) APPENDICES (separate sheet) Include Sample letters to the Dean, Director of Hosp., etc.., participants, questionnaire/ interview questions, etc. CURRICULUM VITAE (separate sheet) Brief resume with picture NOTE: 1. ALL ENTRIES SHOULD BE ARIAL, FONT SIZE 12, DOUBLE SPACE, JUSTIFY. FOLLOW THE STYLE IN THIS FORMAT. 2. PAGE SHOULD APPEAR ON THE RIGHT UPPER CORNER, NO PAGING ON SHEET WITH â€Å"CHAPTER 1, 2, 3† BUT INCLUDED IN COUNTING OF PAGES (EXAMPLE- Chapter 1 is page 1 but â€Å"1† should not appear in the paper, next page will be the page 2), PAGING SHOULD BE CONTINUOUS UP TO APPENDICES EXCEPT FOR CV. 3. Follow the correct format for Bibliography 4. Related Literature and Studies should be from 2006 up, or otherwise rephrase if your related lit is â€Å"old†. 5. MARGIN: 1.27 INCHES ON TOP, 1.5 LEFT; 1 INCH RIGHT & BOTTOM. 6. EVERY CHAPTER SHOULD START ON A NEW SHEET. 7. SINCE THIS IS A PROPOSAL, DO NOT USE PAST TENSE. 8. Do not use 1st person account such as I, you, me, our..Refer to yourself as the researcher. 9. Do not use block style; 1st sentence for each paragraph must be indented. 10. Appendix should include: 1. Sample Letter : a) Letter of Request to __________ (to request permission to conduct study) ;b) Letter to heads (nurse/ records section, etc..) if needed; c) Letter to Participants (for consent); d) Letter to Validators (if needed) 2. Sample questionnaire

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